
I’m Alexander Zhang, an undergraduate at the University of Illinois studying CS and philosophy. Some exciting things I am involved in:

  • Philosophy course design with Professor John Schwenkler for a new introductory-level course on human flourishing in the digital age.
  • AI ethics research with Professor Lav Varshney for operationalizing autonomy and studying the effects of AI on human autonomy.

Some honors I’ve received:

  • Recipient of the Howard F. Crombie Award for distinction in philosophy

I intend to pursue graduate school in philosophy starting Fall 2025. I am looking for departments with strengths in the philosophy of mind, AI, and phenomenology.

What does the J stand for?

I don’t have a legal middle name. The ‘J’ stands for my Chinese name, “Jiu tian” (九天), and for my confirmation name, John, after St. John the Evangelist.